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Happy Campers 101: Make Your Next Camping Trip A Success With These Tips

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Many people around the world will tell you that they live for camping trips. Camping is something that everyone should try at least once in their lifetime. But camping can be a bummer if you show up to your camping destination without at least a little knowledge, though. Read on to get yourself prepared!

Keep an eye on the weather. Rain or other conditions may impact your travel time and your experience at the campsite. Make sure that you have gear that is appropriate for the weather conditions that you may face. Adjust your departure time as necessary to try and avoid the bulk of the bad weather, if possible.

Although it is not an essential part of your back country camping gear, a machete is something that you may consider packing depending on where you are going. It is a very versatile tool in the wilderness. You can cut a trail, hack bamboo and vines for shelter, cut coconuts for water, chop firewood, and even use it as protection against wild animals.

Make a list of things you need to take with you before you go camping. You may think you are great at packing, but little else is worse than being out in the middle of the woods and realizing you forgot your allergy medication. Sit down and create a comprehensive list of everything you might need during the week before your camping trip.

Be well-versed in emergency first aid if you plan on camping out, especially if there will be kids with you. You will be prepared for any accidents that may occur and can survive until you reach professional medical care. Additional research can also provide valuable information. Be aware of the potential for poisonous snakes, wild animals and other possible wildlife dangers.

Camping is a great time but it can be dangerous if you're not able to properly prepare. Make sure you always go camping only after preparing yourself fully. Research the place that you are traveling to, which will help you to understand the climate and geography.

Clean up thoroughly when leaving a campsite. Try your best not to leave any trace of you at the campsite you stayed in. This is important, not just in terms of being considerate of other people. There are animals and insects that continue to live in the woods after you have left, so think of them as well.

If you're new to camping, you're going to want to arrive early to the campground. The reason for this is you will be new to the campground site and rules, and this will slow you down. You don't want to be stuck setting up camp after dark, so just arrive a little earlier than you usually would.

Avoid severe weather when going camping, and pay attention to forecasts. It is horrible trying to pitch a tent in the rain, and not much fun sitting in a tent during a rainstorm. It is equally as disturbing approaching a muddy campsite and trying to make a weekend out of it.

Even camping purists may find that having a small luxury item is a good thing. This can be something simple like fresh coffee or a favorite candy. These things can help to keep you happy and make your trip more enjoyable.

Make sure that you know how to get a campfire burning before you head out into the woods. If you have difficulties getting a fire started, look for fire starting supplies to take with you. These supplies make it easy for just about anyone to start a fire on the spot.

Though camping may be about roughing it in the wilderness, being prepared is a necessity. In addition to your sleeping bag, bring a couple of blankets. They can be very handy when the evening temperatures drop. If not needed for warmth, they can be extra padding from the solid ground beneath.

Never force anyone to go camping with you, including family or girlfriends. Some people just don't enjoy being in nature, and they will be miserable and in turn, make you miserable as well. If your children are simply not interested, find a babysitter for the weekend and relax alone!

Before setting out on your next camping trip, check out your first aid kit. If there are any items that are missing, replace them. If any of the ointments or medications are low in quantity, remove them and replace them will a new package. Check the expiration date on topical ointments and medications and replaced any that are outdated.

Lots of camping novices set up their camp beside the rest area. While this might be convenient, you'll soon find out differently. Communal campsite bathrooms are a constant source of light, noise and unpleasant smells. Because of that, they aren't really as convenient as one might think.

Are you planning on trying tent camping for the first time and want some help choosing the right tent? First of all, choose a tent where everyone has enough room to sleep comfortably with enough space left to stow your gear. Also, make sure your tent has sturdy tent poles, heavy-duty zippers and seams that are double sewn. It is also important to make sure your tent has rain protection. Choose a tent with a rain fly.

One of the most important things to include in packing for your camping trip is a basic first aid kit. This should include everything necessary for emergencies. Examples of some of the items that should be in your first aid kid include aspirin, bandages, splints, snake bite kit, antiseptic spray and more. You must always keep safety in mind while camping and be ready for accidents that may occur.

If you have more than three people camping with you, take along more than one tent. You are going canvas bell tents to want to have some privacy at one time or another. The additional tent will make it possible to get some "me" time while at the camp site. It also gives you additional storage to keep animals out of your supplies.

To end, you should keep the advice and tips here in mind when you are out and about on your camping trip. No one wants to come home from a trip due to being frustrated because they were not aware of what they needed to know beforehand. Good luck and have fun!

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